Closes the existing file (if loaded) and shows the open dialog. From here, you
may turn æAuto PlayÆ on or off (i.e. choose whether the sample is previewed when
you click it in the dialog box).
Shows the list of previously opened files.
Reloads the file from disk, cancelling any unsaved changes.
Closes the current file.
Open point file
Opens a previously saved point file.
Save point file
Saves the currently set points to a file. This is useful if, for example, you
are working with a number of differently processed copies of the same file, but
want the same points used for each.
Writes the file to disk.
Save Asà
Allows you to save the file under a different name.
Save Selected Segment
Saves the currently selected segment to a wave file.
Save Region Defined by Locators
Saves the entire region between the left and right locators.
Save Segments In Defined Region
Saves the segments to separate audio files. Each file is numbered (e.g., wave01.wav,
Save Midi Timing Template
Saves the timing of the locator-defined region. The timing is based on the position
of the split points. Ensure that the bars and beats (and the locators) are set
correctly before this occurs;
otherwise the sample may be too fast or slow in the sequencer. A requester
allows the save settings to be changed.
Save to Sound Bank
Saves the segments into a sound bank; at this time, SoundFont 2.0 files (.sf2),
DownLoadable Sounds (.dls) and Pinnacle Bank Files (.pbf) are supported. Each
segment is mapped to match the midi file. A requester
allows you to alter the save settings.
Save Midi Timing Template and Sound Bank
Saves both a midi template and a sound
Displays the program options box.
Quits the program.